
Hair Loss: Causes, Treatments and Prevention

Experiencing hair loss is a common concern for individuals of all age groups. Whether it's a gradual decrease in volume or a sudden increase in shedding, hair loss may occur over an extended period or unexpectedly. Depending on the root cause, it could be temporary or long-lasting.

Are you uncertain whether you are genuinely experiencing hair loss or undergoing a normal shedding phase? Are you unsure when it's necessary to seek medical advice? Elite Aesthetics, renowned for providing hair loss treatment in Kondapur, offers additional details on hair loss and how to address it.

Causes of Hair Loss

Genetics: If your parents or grandparents had hair loss, you may also experience it. Hereditary hair loss or androgenic alopecia is the most frequent cause.

Hormonal Changes: Hair loss can occur due to hormonal shifts, especially in women during pregnancy, menopause, or after discontinuing birth control pills. Conditions like thyroid imbalances can also cause hair shedding.

Stress: A temporary hair loss condition such as telogen effluvium occurs due to mental, physical, or emotional stress. Shedding can occur when more hair follicles enter the resting phase.

Nutritional Deficiencies: The absence of crucial nutrients like iron, vitamins, and proteins can weaken hair and impede growth. One's diet greatly influences maintaining robust, healthy hair.

Medical Conditions: Certain health problems, such as autoimmune disorders (alopecia areata), scalp infections, and severe illnesses, can lead to hair loss. Medications for cancer, arthritis, or high blood pressure might also contribute to it.

Treatments for Hair Loss

Laser Therapy: Low-level laser therapy stimulates hair follicles to promote growth. This is a non-invasive treatment that some people find effective.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): PRP is a newer treatment in which a patient’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp. It contains proteins that are thought to stimulate hair growth.

Mesotherapy: It is a non-surgical treatment using nutrient-rich microinjections to boost collagen production, improve blood circulation, and strengthen hair follicles. It treats conditions like androgenetic alopecia and hormonal hair loss.

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy: This procedure involves using growth factors from your blood to stimulate hair follicles, boost scalp circulation, and improve hair quality. The procedure involves extracting blood, separating growth factors, and injecting them into the scalp.

High Frequency Hair Treatment: High-frequency hair treatment uses electrical currents to stimulate hair follicles, improve blood circulation, and induce growth factors like keratinocyte growth factor. This promotes hair growth and treats conditions like hair loss and dandruff.

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Eat a Balanced Diet: Ensure you get enough nutrients, especially protein, iron, vitamins A, C, and E, and omega-3 fatty acids. These promote healthy hair growth.

Manage Stress: You can manage stress by practicing healthy practices, such as exercise, meditation, yoga, and a healthy diet, which can help minimize hair loss.

Avoid Harsh Treatments: Limit chemical hair treatments like bleaching, perming, or straightening. Excessive heat styling can also damage hair, so avoid frequently using hair dryers, curling irons, and straighteners.

Be Gentle with Your Hair: Use a soft brush or comb, and avoid tugging at your hair while brushing. Wet hair is more fragile, so use extra care when damp.

Use Mild Hair Products: Opt for shampoos and conditioners that are not harsh on your hair and scalp. Choose products with fewer chemicals that do not cause irritation or dryness.

Final Thoughts

Hair loss can be challenging, but managing it with the right approach is possible. Understanding the causes, exploring treatment options, and taking preventive steps can help maintain hair health. If you’re concerned about your hair loss and seeking a hair loss treatment in Kondapur, consider Elite Aesthetics to explore the best solution for your needs.


Can stress really cause hair loss?
Yes, stress can cause temporary hair loss, but it often grows back once the stress is managed.

Is hair loss permanent?
Not always. There are various types of hair loss, some temporary, while others may be permanent due to genetics or medical conditions.

Does washing your hair every day cause hair loss?
Washing your hair daily won’t cause hair loss, but using harsh shampoos or hot water can make hair more prone to breakage.

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